Siesta Key Mega-hotel proposal
The Board of Protect Siesta Key is grateful for the support of our local advocate, J. Phair, who created this video. The video highlights the potential consequences if the Sarasota County Commission approves changes to our long-standing protective laws in our Comprehensive Plan. We hope that by illustrating the potential negative impact of proposed out-of-scale hotels, the County will reject the proposal. The video is based on our personal observations and review of the proposed changes to our protective laws.
As of August 1, 2024, no public hearing has been announced before the County Commission.
Video Links
Proposed Changes to Sarasota's
Comprehensive Plan to allow Mega-Hotels
Last November, Manatee-based Benderson Development proposed several changes to Sarasota's Comprehensive Plan to either eliminate or change Siesta Key's decades-old protective laws. Some of these are the same laws that were successfully defended in court in 2023.
Florida Department of Administrative Hearings Court Decision, April 2023 (Link)
Circuit Court Decision, August 2023 (Link)
The following is a partial list of Benderson's proposed changes to our Comprehensive Plan, our response, and County staff's initial comments. Note Benderson's proposed changes are either underlined words meaning newly added language or strike-through words which means to eliminate the language from our Comprehensive Plan.
Benderson Mega-hotel final application submitted to staff Feb. 28, 2024 (Link)
Where are we now in the process?
On February 28, County Staff received Benderson's final application for mega-hotels.
The final application to change the protective laws of our Comprehensive Plan
and to approve mega-hotels in Siesta Village, is now being reviewed by County staff.
No date is set for public hearings at this time but we expect it to happen over the summer.
See list of process steps (Link) for more information.
What you can do:
When announced, attend all County Commission meetings on this topic to show Siesta Key's opposition to the proposals. Wear White tops to show support!
• Send emails to County Commissioners and staff:
Cut and paste into your email:,,,,,
To send to one email only that may get to all commissioners: